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5 Reasons Why SEO Is Important For Small Businesses

Search Engine Optimisation can seem daunting to those first hearing about it. For small businesses, it can seem impossible to gain traction on search engines. But today we’re going to show you 5 reasons that SEO is vital for any size business. There are even some ways in which small businesses actually have an advantage when it comes to SEO. SEO Is A Cost-Effective, Long-Term Marketing Strategy While other marketing methods like PPC ads campaigns have their place and are extremely effective at driving traffic to a website in the short term, SEO campaigns have a longer-term impact. With PPC, you have to pay...

Hands typing on laptop keyboard with graphic of search bar

Why You Should Use Bing Ads As Well As Google Ads

Google undeniably has market dominance when it comes to online searches. In fact, at last count, Google accounted for 85% of searches on desktop and almost 95% on mobile. Bing accounts for just under 3% of total searches worldwide. This means that when businesses are thinking of how to approach their online advertising, many of them don’t even consider that Bing has its own ad platform just like Google.