Social Media

Top Digital Marketing Trends for Brighton Businesses in 2023 

In the fast-paced digital age, keeping up with the latest marketing trends is crucial for Brighton businesses to thrive and succeed. Staying updated with the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing provides numerous benefits, from driving engagement and conversions to enhancing brand visibility and growth. In this expert guide, we will explore the top digital marketing trends for Brighton businesses in 2023 and shed light on why staying ahead of the curve is essential.

What are the best marketing channels for Brighton based businesses in 2023?

As a business owner in Brighton, you know that standing out in a crowded marketplace is critical for success. Choosing the right marketing channels is an essential part of achieving that goal. With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which marketing channels will be most effective for your business. In this expert guide, we’ll explore the best marketing channels for Brighton-based businesses in 2023, including the power of content marketing, social media, email marketing, and more.

The Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make and How To Avoid Them

Digital marketing is a common part of many small business’s success. However, with the constantly evolving digital landscape, it can be challenging for some small businesses to keep up with the latest trends and strategies. As a result, small business owners often make digital marketing mistakes that can hurt their overall marketing efforts. 

In this blog, we will discuss the biggest digital marketing mistakes small businesses make and how to avoid them.

online paid advertising vs social media

Paid Search vs Social Media Ads: What’s Right for Your Business?

If you’re looking to start advertising your business online but have a limited amount of budget, you need to be selective about which advertising channels you’re going to invest in. Two of the most popular options are social media advertising and paid search advertising.

When it comes to PPC vs social media ads, there are a lot of factors to consider. In this article, we’re going to cover the key differences between the two methods and discuss why a business would choose one over the other.

six balls with different social media platform for business logos

How To Choose The Right Social Media Platform For Your Business

Social media is a great digital marketing tool for businesses. It’s free to use and can let you connect directly with current and future customers. The latest data shows that over 77% of UK population uses at least one social media platform. 

The real question for businesses is not “should we use social media” but instead “which social media should we use”. With several major social platforms, it would take a huge amount of time and effort to create content for each of them. Only the largest companies like Coca Cola can have a presence on every platform. For a small to medium sized business, it’s ideal to focus on one or two platforms which suit your brand’s message.