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hand using tablet to fill out a contact form on a website

The Importance Of Conversion Rate Optimisation 

In digital marketing, the conversion rate is the rate at which visitors to your site ‘convert’ into either paying customers or qualified leads. So, if your site had one hundred visitors, and six of them filled out the contact form requesting a call back, your site would have a conversion rate of 6%. 

Conversion rate optimisation refers to all the design changes you would make to your website to increase your conversion rate. Page headings, images and call to action buttons are all examples of things you might adjust to see the effect on your conversion rate. 

man's hands on laptop checking for google penalties

What Are Google Penalties And How To Prevent Them

The importance of Google search rankings has never been higher. Winning and keeping a good search ranking can be the difference between your business’s success and failure. That’s why it is more important than ever to avoid your website being penalised by Google. A Google penalty that lowers your search ranks can significantly reduce your organic traffic and negatively impact your business for months or even years to come. 

man sat at desk using laptop

What Makes A Good Small Business Website

A strong, well-designed website is the starting point for your business’s online success. At Carden Digital, we’ve created a number of small business websites for companies that are either just getting started or transitioning from a social media to a web platform. From registering the domain and setting up the hosting, all the way through to advertising the finished website online, we can handle the entire procedure. We design websites which convey your business’s brand and service offering and help you engage with your ideal customer base. 

hands holding smartphone with email symbols hovering above

6 Ways Email Marketing Can Benefit Your Business  

Thousands of businesses use email marketing every day to message their customers directly. Despite this, email is often overlooked in conversations about digital marketing. 

Compared to social media marketing and pay per click advertising, email can seem outdated. However, there are some benefits that only email can bring. Let’s take a look at 6 reasons why businesses choose email marketing.