Angmering Village Greens (AVG) is a fresh fruit and veg delivery service based in West Sussex. When they approached us, they had grown their company from a part-time hobby to a full-time business but were struggling with scaling their business. The demand for their produce was increasing but their capacity was limited, as they were still taking almost all their orders over the phone, which left them with limited time to complete any additional deliveries.
Using WordPress, we built them a fast, modern website that could compete against larger fresh produce delivery companies and has enabled them to drastically increase the number of orders they can handle. Through WooCommerce, we set up an online ordering system, complete with email invoicing and detailed customer records, customising it to fit the requirements of a busy online store. We also automated discounts, sales and special offers which previously had to be applied to orders manually.
Their new store’s invoices sync directly with AVG’s QuickBooks account, automatically pulling in data on each transaction as it happens, which significantly reduces the amount of admin.
We helped AVG claim their Google My Business profile, update their information, upload photos and add product links so that customers can go directly to their site’s orders page. We conducted detailed a SEO audit to help us to fill their site with keyword-rich content.